The Wine and Flavours Route in the Hills of Rimini

Italian Food and Wine Tourism in Rimini

The Wine and Flavours Route in the Hills of Rimini reaches out to the municipalities of Bellaria-Igea Marina, Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna, Poggio Berni, Torriana, Verucchio, Rimini, Coriano, Riccione, Misano Adriatico, San Clemente, Montescudo, Monte Colombo, Montefiore Conca, Gemmano, Morciano di Romagna, Saludecio, Mondaino, Montegridolfo, San Giovanni in Marignano, Cattolica and, among the participating bodies, the Province of Rimini and the Chamber of Commerce of Rimini. The Malatesta and the Montefeltro families ruled over this land. This territory extends to the inland hills between the Conca and Marecchia valleys and goes through the whole province, as far as the borders with the Montefeltro area, located in the Marches region. The Wine and Flavours Route in the Hills of Rimini, also means oil mills, wineries, wine growers’ cooperatives, guest farms, restaurants, craft workshops, public institutions and professional associations based between the Adriatic Sea white-sand beaches and the historic hamlets and villages of the Conca and Marecchia Valleys. Each concern is a different fascinating experience in its own right and all together, they tell  the story of a territory whose inhabitants feature an innate sense of hospitality. Travelling along the paths of the Wine and Flavours Route in the Hills of Rimini also means time travelling, discovering their heritage, seeing the colours of seasons and perceiving their scents. Each landscape expresses what nature and man’s work have created, each tasting is a response rooted in flavour and know-how. Wine and olive oil are the most important produce of this corner of Romagna and become the ideal mates during a trip aimed at discovering the typical products and produce, from the local home-made dishes to the tasty traditional dishes, from meat to anchovies, sardines and mackerel, from cold cuts to cheeses, from the typical “piadina” to typical cakes, from truffles to honey and finally to chestnuts. This corner of land can excite tourists in every sense and engrave more and more new stopping places on everybody’s memory, along a unique, unforgettable route. The produce and products protected by this Wine Route are the two CDO wines. However, more produce and products in addition to wine are protected by this designation: namely, the Extra-Virgin Olive Oil  “Colline di Romagna Dop”, the Homemade Bread, the “Bizulà”  , the Piadina, the Honey, the “Formaggio di fossa”, the Ewe’s Milk Cheese  made from raw ewe’s milk, the fresh Ricotta and Ewe’s Ricotta, the Squacquerone di Romagna , the Porchetta, the Heavy Pig, the Strawberry of Romagna, the “Loto di Romagna”, the Chestnut of Montefiore, the Potato of  Montescudo, the Black Truffle, the Miacetto , the Sanguinaccio , the Saba , the Savor , the Bustrengo and finally the Nocino.

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